WA Govt announces $1.4M in funding for waste reduction

18 November, 2021

The WasteSorted Grants have been made available to 21 businesses, not-for-profits, local governments and community groups.


More than $1.4 million in community and business-based grants have been announced by the Western Australian Government to support waste reduction and education programs.

The WasteSorted Grants, part of the government’s commitment to reduce waste in the state, will be made available to 21 businesses, not-for-profits, local governments and community groups.

Grants of up to $250,000 will support investment in local recycling infrastructure and grants up to $50,000 will support waste education programs.

The funding has been made available through Waste Authority, which works with local government, regional councils, the waste management sector and the community to promote understanding of resource recovery.

The successful recipients were announced by Environment Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson.

“The WasteSorted Grants present a fantastic opportunity to support projects that address the McGowan Government’s waste management priorities and help Western Australia become a more sustainable low waste community,” she said in a statement.

“This program is just one way we can support industry and the community, create jobs and bring some of the best waste projects to life.”

The grants awarded include $250,000 to the City of Karratha to process composted food and garden organics into mulch and soil conditioner

The Resource Recovery Group (formerly Southern Metropolitan Regional Council) will receive $250,000 for the purchase of a new trommel with greater capacity.

The City of Busselton will receive $150,000 for its Reuse Shop and more than $220,000 will go towards WA Recycling to construct a new processing line for the removal of non-ferrous metals from the construction and demolition waste stream.

Since 2017, the government has provided $6 million in grants for Western Australian projects to improve the recovery and reuse of focus materials.

Link: https://www.governmentnews.com.au/wa-govt-announces-1-4m-in-funding-for-waste-reduction